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Department of Mathematics
University College London
25 Gordon Street
London WC1H 0AY
United Kingdom

Recent activity

Borel reducibility and conjugacy equivalence relations
An Msci project by Xinya Wang, 2023–2024

MATH0046, Term 2 2024
Calculus in several dimensions

MATH0010, Term 1 2023
Mathematical methods I

Conjugacy, classification, and complexity
Two-Day Logic Meeting, Bristol, July 2023

Counting, anyone can do it
A senior project by Joseph Knebel, Spring 2023

An overview of set theory
A senior presentation by Pangaea Finn, Spring 2023



UCL mathematics department home page
Boise mathematics department home page
Set theory talks worldwide set theory announcements
Booles’ Rings collated set theory blogs
Mathblogging collated math blogs