All presentations


Set theory and classification problems
ADM Society Seminar, London, February 2025


Conjugacy, classification, and complexity
Two-Day Logic Meeting, Bristol, July 2023


Borel classification of conjugacy problems
Nankai Logic Colloquium, Nankai, March 2023


Jumps in the Borel complexity hierarchy
Bristol Logic and Set Theory Seminar, Bristol, November 2022


Jumps in the Borel complexity hierarchy
Caltech Logic Seminar, Pasadena, September 2021


Borel complexity theory - Classification and structure
Boise Mathematics Colloquium, Boise, September 2021


Bernoulli jumps of equivalence relations
University of Florida Logic Seminar, Gainesville, November 2020


Classification of countable models of ZFC
CUNY Models of PA Seminar, New York, September 2020


Jumps and the classification of scattered linear orders
SEALS Conference, Gainesville, February 2020


Locally finite groups and automorphisms
Boise Set Theory and Logic Seminar, Boise, December 2019


On conjugacy problems for graphs and trees
Boise Set Theory and Logic Seminar, Boise, October 2019


Jumps of equivalence relations and scattered linear orders
CUNY Set Theory Seminar, New York, September 2019


Borel morphisms between cardinal characteristics, parts 1 and 2
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, April 2019


Introduction to continuous logic and model theory for metric structures
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, March 2019


On splitting families
Boise Algebra, Geometry, and Combinatorics Seminar, Boise, October 2018


Vertex-transitive graphs and linear orders
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, October 2018


Classification of scattered linear orders
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, March 2018


Martin’s axiom and some applications
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, January 2018


Classification of countable models of PA and ZFC
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, November 2017


Borel complexity theory and classification problems
Oregon Mathematics Colloquium, Eugene, October 2017


Equivalence relations and classification problems, parts 1 and 2
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, September 2017


Borel complexity theory in mathematics
Boise Math Graduate Seminar, Boise, September 2016


On the set splittability problem
Boise Algebra, Geometry, and Combinatorics Seminar, Boise, September 2016


Classifying automorphisms of countable trees
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, September 2016


The complexity of classification problems
Boise Mathematics Colloquium, Boise, April 2016


López-Escobar’s theorem
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, April 2016


López-Escobar’s theorem and metric structures
AMS Special Session on Descriptive Set Theory and its Applications, Salt Lake, April 2016


Set theory and classification problems
Boise Math Graduate Seminar, Boise, October 2015


Amalgamation properties and conjugacy
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, September 2015


The TVC and metric structures
Second Vaught’s Conjecture Workshop, Berkeley, June 2015


López-Escobar’s theorem for metric structures
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, April 2015


Introduction to continuous logic
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, March 2015


Conjugacy and homogeneous graphs, II
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, February 2015


Helping students experience genuine mathematical investigations
Boise Mathematics Teaching Talks, Boise, January 2015


Conjugacy and homogeneous graphs
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, September 2014


Generalized Choquet spaces
Boise Extravaganza in Set Theory, Riverside, June 2014


A longer Choquet game
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, February 2014


Countable abelian groups and conjugacy relations
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, December 2013


Splitting relations
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, September 2013


The Borel ordering on cardinal characteristics
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, April 2013


Urysohn spaces
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, February 2013


Set theory and C*-algebras
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, December 2012


Constructing automorphisms of corona algebras
ASL Winter Meeting, San Diego, January 2013


The random graph and its automorphisms
Boise Algebra, Geometry, and Combinatorics Seminar, Boise, October 2012


The many faces of E_0
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, September 2012


Tukey maps between partial orders
Student Set Theory and Topology Seminar, Toronto, March 2012


Cardinal characteristics and the Borel Tukey order
CMS Winter Meeting, Toronto, December 2011


Borel morphisms and splitting families
Michigan Logic Seminar, Ann Arbor, November 2011


The Borel Tukey order on cardinal characteristics
CUNY Logic Workshop, New York, November 2011


Borel equivalence relations and the conjugacy problem
Young Set Theory Workshop, Königswinter, March 2011


Borel reducibility and actions of SLn(Z)
Concentration Week in Set Theory and Functional Analysis, College Station, August 2010


Classification problems for models of arithmetic
CUNY Logic Workshop, New York, April 2010


Invariant properties of equivalence relations
CUNY Logic Workshop, New York, February 2010


Borel subsets of generalized Baire space
Effective Mathematics of the Uncountable, New York, August 2009


Inifinite-time Turing machines and Borel reducibility
Computability in Europe, Heidelberg, July 2009


On dimension and Borel reducibility
Workshop on Large Cardinals and Descriptive Set Theory, Vienna, June 2009


Countable Borel equivalence relations
Bonn Logic Seminar, Bonn, May 2009


Dimension and Borel reducibility
CUNY Logic Workshop, New York, April 2009


Some countable Borel equivalence relations
MIT Logic Seminar, Boston, March 2009


The set theory of classification problems
Bronx Community College Mathematics Seminar, New York, December 2008


Countable Borel equivalence relations and torsion-free abelian groups
AMS Special Session on Model Theory and its Applications, Middletown, October 2008


Equivalence relations and infinite-time computable reductions
Effective Mathematics of the Uncountable, New York, August 2008


On the classification of torsion-free abelian groups up to isomorphism and quasi-isomorphism
Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Diego, January 2008


On the classification of torsion-free abelian groups
CUNY Logic Workshop, New York, November 2007