All presenetationss
All presentations
- 2025
Set theory and classification problems
ADM Society Seminar, London, February 2025 - 2023
Conjugacy, classification, and complexity
Two-Day Logic Meeting, Bristol, July 2023 -
Borel classification of conjugacy problems
Nankai Logic Colloquium, Nankai, March 2023 - 2022
Jumps in the Borel complexity hierarchy
Bristol Logic and Set Theory Seminar, Bristol, November 2022 - 2021
Jumps in the Borel complexity hierarchy
Caltech Logic Seminar, Pasadena, September 2021 -
Borel complexity theory - Classification and structure
Boise Mathematics Colloquium, Boise, September 2021 - 2020
Bernoulli jumps of equivalence relations
University of Florida Logic Seminar, Gainesville, November 2020 -
Classification of countable models of ZFC
CUNY Models of PA Seminar, New York, September 2020 -
Jumps and the classification of scattered linear orders
SEALS Conference, Gainesville, February 2020 - 2019
Locally finite groups and automorphisms
Boise Set Theory and Logic Seminar, Boise, December 2019 -
On conjugacy problems for graphs and trees
Boise Set Theory and Logic Seminar, Boise, October 2019 -
Jumps of equivalence relations and scattered linear orders
CUNY Set Theory Seminar, New York, September 2019 -
Borel morphisms between cardinal characteristics, parts 1 and 2
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, April 2019 -
Introduction to continuous logic and model theory for metric structures
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, March 2019 - 2018
On splitting families
Boise Algebra, Geometry, and Combinatorics Seminar, Boise, October 2018 -
Vertex-transitive graphs and linear orders
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, October 2018 -
Classification of scattered linear orders
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, March 2018 -
Martin’s axiom and some applications
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, January 2018 - 2017
Classification of countable models of PA and ZFC
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, November 2017 -
Borel complexity theory and classification problems
Oregon Mathematics Colloquium, Eugene, October 2017 -
Equivalence relations and classification problems, parts 1 and 2
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, September 2017 - 2016
Borel complexity theory in mathematics
Boise Math Graduate Seminar, Boise, September 2016 -
On the set splittability problem
Boise Algebra, Geometry, and Combinatorics Seminar, Boise, September 2016 -
Classifying automorphisms of countable trees
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, September 2016 -
The complexity of classification problems
Boise Mathematics Colloquium, Boise, April 2016 -
López-Escobar’s theorem
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, April 2016 -
López-Escobar’s theorem and metric structures
AMS Special Session on Descriptive Set Theory and its Applications, Salt Lake, April 2016 - 2015
Set theory and classification problems
Boise Math Graduate Seminar, Boise, October 2015 -
Amalgamation properties and conjugacy
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, September 2015 -
The TVC and metric structures
Second Vaught’s Conjecture Workshop, Berkeley, June 2015 -
López-Escobar’s theorem for metric structures
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, April 2015 -
Introduction to continuous logic
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, March 2015 -
Conjugacy and homogeneous graphs, II
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, February 2015 -
Helping students experience genuine mathematical investigations
Boise Mathematics Teaching Talks, Boise, January 2015 - 2014
Conjugacy and homogeneous graphs
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, September 2014 -
Generalized Choquet spaces
Boise Extravaganza in Set Theory, Riverside, June 2014 -
A longer Choquet game
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, February 2014 - 2013
Countable abelian groups and conjugacy relations
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, December 2013 -
Splitting relations
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, September 2013 -
The Borel ordering on cardinal characteristics
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, April 2013 -
Urysohn spaces
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, February 2013 - 2012
Set theory and C*-algebras
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, December 2012 -
Constructing automorphisms of corona algebras
ASL Winter Meeting, San Diego, January 2013 -
The random graph and its automorphisms
Boise Algebra, Geometry, and Combinatorics Seminar, Boise, October 2012 -
The many faces of E_0
Boise Set Theory Seminar, Boise, September 2012 -
Tukey maps between partial orders
Student Set Theory and Topology Seminar, Toronto, March 2012 - 2011
Cardinal characteristics and the Borel Tukey order
CMS Winter Meeting, Toronto, December 2011 -
Borel morphisms and splitting families
Michigan Logic Seminar, Ann Arbor, November 2011 -
The Borel Tukey order on cardinal characteristics
CUNY Logic Workshop, New York, November 2011 -
Borel equivalence relations and the conjugacy problem
Young Set Theory Workshop, Königswinter, March 2011 - 2010
Borel reducibility and actions of SLn(Z)
Concentration Week in Set Theory and Functional Analysis, College Station, August 2010 -
Classification problems for models of arithmetic
CUNY Logic Workshop, New York, April 2010 -
Invariant properties of equivalence relations
CUNY Logic Workshop, New York, February 2010 - 2009
Borel subsets of generalized Baire space
Effective Mathematics of the Uncountable, New York, August 2009 -
Inifinite-time Turing machines and Borel reducibility
Computability in Europe, Heidelberg, July 2009 -
On dimension and Borel reducibility
Workshop on Large Cardinals and Descriptive Set Theory, Vienna, June 2009 -
Countable Borel equivalence relations
Bonn Logic Seminar, Bonn, May 2009 -
Dimension and Borel reducibility
CUNY Logic Workshop, New York, April 2009 -
Some countable Borel equivalence relations
MIT Logic Seminar, Boston, March 2009 - 2008
The set theory of classification problems
Bronx Community College Mathematics Seminar, New York, December 2008 -
Countable Borel equivalence relations and torsion-free abelian groups
AMS Special Session on Model Theory and its Applications, Middletown, October 2008 -
Equivalence relations and infinite-time computable reductions
Effective Mathematics of the Uncountable, New York, August 2008 -
On the classification of torsion-free abelian groups up to isomorphism and quasi-isomorphism
Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Diego, January 2008 - 2007
On the classification of torsion-free abelian groups
CUNY Logic Workshop, New York, November 2007